Saturday, August 26, 2006

Where are you LORD

I have been broken lately.

I am having trouble trying to find God at church. I see him everyday in the dark places, he crys out to me from behind hungry eyes, he sings to me through the crys of the dying and forgotten; but in searching for him upon the decorated platforms and padded pews I have found only traces and memories. There are people there, they know him, they love him, they say they want him there, but I don't know how to believe them anymore. Christ has become offensive to them and Father religion gives them security and posterity. There is more of a concern that someone may lean on a mercy seat than there is for their soul.

I was saved in filth

I was discipled in the filth

I have tried to bring others from the filth ... But no one wants them, at church.

I will return to the filth were Jesus sits waiting. He isn't welcome in the buildings of man I have recently visited, he isn't really wanted. The cost of welcoming him in is too great, too risky.

God is not dead, are you ?


c said...

wow. the passion. i'm going of to pray

Aurora said...

finally. you've been able to put into words what I've only been able to feel. Thank you.

Stephanie said...

You are feeling the same feelings that I have been feeling...

I have tried to post on my feelings a couple of times, but I end up deleting it because I feel as though I am just complaining and not fixing anything... my wording becomes too emotional and well, mean.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

you have been chosen for a tough fight. It is never easy climbing uphill but when you reach the summit the reward far outweighs the suffering.


Anonymous said...

i love you two for what you stand for

i love you two for what you believe in

i love you two for your passion

i love you two for who you are and how you have opened yourselves up to a world of love and filth and darkness and poverty and nastiness

i love you two for the imprint you've made in my life

i love you two for being funny, smart, amazing, passionate, caring, quick to correct, quick to praise, quick to high five to an installation in our living room, quick to grab a tiny dirty child with snot all over her face and hug her because she needs it, and quick to do something about the problems that you see

Anonymous said...

i love you two for what you stand for

i love you two for what you believe in

i love you two for your passion

i love you two for the imprint you've made in my life

i love you two for entering into the darkest part of the city - for placing yourselves in the darkness - for picking up the dirty child with snot covering her face and hugging her because she needed it

i love you two for being smart, funny, amazing, quick to correct, quick to praise, quick to high five for having an installation in our living room, quick to look around you and know that God is working miracles every day

i love you two and i hope you see God all around you . . . whether your co-churchers want to see Him or not