Wednesday, December 28, 2005

For Customer Use Only

Today I was hanging out in my home town of Toronto, the greatest city on earth! I love it, the pollution, horns, jack hammers, its home sweet home. I love to wander the downtown, I thrive at hearing God in the midst of caos, most people love solitude by the lake but Im on in a busy downtown cafe or urban concrete park, urban zen I guess ... anyway, before I got turned around by Holy Spirit I used to live on the streets of Toronto, between shelters, playgrounds or door stoops my life fit into a green garbage bag, I was that guy you see on the corner you didnt make eye contact with. I was thinking about what awesome blessings God has given me since then, there are too many to list, thanks Jesus ... but among the spiritual and supernatural gifts God has given me I can also appreciate the human ones, do you know how hard it is for a homeless person to use a washroom? Seriously I can remember it taking hours to find a toliet, most stores and resaurants in urban area's arnt gona give out the key to that guy on the corner, he must find an alley or bush out of site. Today as I freely came in and out of the Starbucks washroom, hair combed and clean shaven, the clerk said have a nice day. Its is so cool to know what a blessing it is to be able to go to the washroom freely, thank you Jesus. See justice isnt always about nations, in your home town there are people who cant even go to the washroom.


Tara Ayer said...

Hmm...I didn't think of that last night when I passed a man taking a leak in the alley. I just assumed it was a matter of convenience. Thanks Rob for once again showing me life through a different lens. I love you brother...and I miss your presence in the midst of my urban zen. hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Just heard about what you're doing. Will add you guys to our prayer list. I was raised in one of the worst sections of Brooklyn for 20 years (and loved it, God was there) because my mom obeyed the call to leave small town Conneticut to open a Christian school in the inner city. My beloved dh spent his teenage years in a tribe in Africa. Know (and I know you know) there is no safer place to be than in the WILL of God. Another cousin raised his kids 15 years in the Gaza strip. They just left 2 years ago when the wars broke out, not because of the threats on his family, much to other people's frustration, but simply he obeyed God and stayed pass some threats until it was God's time to leave.

would like to support you in prayer and by passing the word out for others to pray for you

will check back when i've got more time

God's grace and PEACE, JOY and STRENGTH continue to be with you both and I stand and AGREE with your prayers that MANY will become disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to the GLORY OF GOD!

Anonymous said...

Great to meet you at roots. Be assured of my continued prayers.


Anonymous said...

If thou wilt be perfect, leave all you have and follow me... but wear nice clothes so that you can use public bathrooms