Sunday, June 17, 2007

Need Knows No Season

Saturday was great !

In our city this year, due to cut backs, there will be no kids sent to camp.

In our community we have a handful of kids that went to youth councils and were forever changed by the experience, with many lives being won for God - and 3 months later, still holding! Since then, all of our kids have been begging to go to the 'week long youth councils' that they heard about from the other delegates - youth camp, at our division's Camp Walter Johnson. In fact, since March they have been asking about it almost daily, so when the word came down that there would be no money for kids to go to camp this year our hearts dropped. Heather and I gave each other that look, the one that said "I don't think so !" and began sharing with the Lord our hearts and minds on the subject.

Later that day we fired off a few e-mails and then gave God room to move ... a few weeks later we got permission for our youth to fundraise their own camp money, and Saturday was our first day hitting the pavement.
We started with one location, 5 kids and one afternoon, and as a result, all 5 kids will be going to camp this year, (Praise God,!) and will have enough money left over for proper clothes to take with them. We have permission to continue through June and July and now every single kid that wants to go to camp will.

Heather and I were thinking of the early Army, where everything was dependent upon divine provision, where officers often never received pay, and when they did they divided it amongst their community in need. Everything was difficult, except winning souls for Jesus; this seemed to happen naturally. Why ? God blesses sacrifice with eternal currency.

God Bless Harris Teeter, the grocery store that are allowing us to fund raise at their locations.


Seeker of The Light said...

Nice! I find it interesting that many are worried about finances, when all they have to do is pray about them (and a little hard work now and then too).

Where we're moving, we are heading into a $2 million dollar debt! But Debbie & I aren't worried. We know who it is that owns a thousand kettles in a thousand malls!

Johnny said...

Hey Rob and Heather,

You are wonderful, blessed, and a blessing to God and everyone who is touched by you in some way.

I would love the opportunity to work directly with you and the Lord someday.

Great job and great chutzpah!

In His dust,